Sponsored by the Mill River Greenway Initiative, Friends of Northampton Trails and Greenways and Smith College CEEDS (Center for the Environment, Ecological Design & Sustainability)
Please register for these events, which are limited to 20 participants. Only pre-registered participants will receive information on the time and meeting place plus other important details. Thanks for your understanding.
April 5 Downtown Northampton I: Paradise Pond to Old South Street
April 26 River’s End: Spring Paddle in the Floodplain Forest, Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary
May 10 Downtown Northampton II: Old South Street to Hockanum Roa
June 14 Bay State Village: Paradise Pond to the Cutlery Building
July 12 Florence I: Nonotuck Dam to Meadow Street
Sept. 6 Leeds: Cook’s Dam to River Road
Sept. 13 Williamsburg: Art Installation of Flotsam Weirs
Sept. 20 Florence II: Crimson & Clover/Northampton Community Farm
Oct. 4 Leeds to Haydenville: River Road to South Main Street
Nov. 1 Williamsburg, East Branch: Meekins Library to Old Dam Site
Nov. 8 Reprise of the Leeds walk of Sept. 6
Dec. 6 Haydenville to Williamsburg: Brassworks to Skinnerville