Several people have asked, “What’s happening at Smith College’s Paradise Pond?” Here is the answer from our most knowledgeable source, Gary Hartwell, Smith College’s Project Manager.
The Pond has been “partially” drawn down to repair the earthen portion of the dam which runs from the spillway upstream 800′ to the throwing field. There will be no dredging at this time, but we have just started planning for the next dredging project. We’re anticipating permits in summer 2014.
Work specifications: Approx. 300′ (in the middle, on the curve) will be excavated down 12′ and replaced with engineered soils. The entire length will be re-shaped and armored with 1.5′ crushed stone to about 18″ above normal pool.
Elevations in feet above sea level:
top of flashboards – 135.7 (normal pool)
top of earthen dam – 141.5 to 143 (Irene crest 140.5)
depth of excavation – 131
top of new dam – 143
current dam slope (Pond side) – 1:1 and steeper
dam slope after repair – 3:1
bottom of new stone armor 130.7
top of new stone armor 137.0